STAR TREK ·:· MIRROR UNIVERSE ·:· NEW EMPIRE ·|· Mirror Universe Encyclopedia

symbol of the new Empire

Note: Some of this information is conjectural and specific to "New Empire" continuity.  It is not meant to be a completely official guide to the mirror universe.
Adams, Tristan.  Warden of the Tantalus V Penal Colony in 2266.  Adams used Dr. Simon Van Gelder's "neural neutralizer" device on Captain James Kirk in an attempt to take control of Starfleet; Kirk thwarted the attempt, killed Adams and destroyed the device.
agonizer.  Small, handheld, disciplinary device used to inflict pain for minor transgressions; basically a portable version of the agony booth, though less powerful.  Crew-members on Starfleet ships wear agonizers attached to belts and uniforms.  Applied to a person's body, the device delivers painful electroshock stimulation of the nervous system.  Agonizers once required direct application to a victim's body to work; however by the late 24th century "remote" models could deliver shock stimulation from a range of up to two meters.  The Alliance also commonly uses agonizers, as well as crews of mercenary ships and various military organizations.  The agony booth is used for situations requiring more severe punishment.
Aenar.  Telepathic subspecies of the Andorian race, inhabiting frozen wastes in the northern polar regions of Andoria.  The Aenar lack eyesight; instead, they possess telepathy, which in combination with the sensory input of their antennae, permits them to "see".  The Aenar once fought the Andorians for dominance over their planet; the Andorians won and placed the majority of the race in concentration camps.  Several Aenar later joined the Terran rebellion against the Alliance, hoping it would enable them to take control of Andoria.  For more on the "real" Aenar, click here.
agony booth.  Device designed for torture and disciplinary punishment aboard Starfleet vessels.  Invented by Phlox and Malcolm Reed aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) in January 2155.  The agony booth, like the smaller, portable agonizer which followed it, stimulates the pain receptors of the nervous system, constantly shifting the point of stimulation in order to provide constant torment.  It is unknown if agony booths survived the fall of the Terran Empire; however they were (back) in use by 2385, aboard ships of the new Empire.
Ajax, I.S.S.  Warship commanded by Commodore Grenni, which led the siege of Betazed then participated in the invasion of Klingon space, which led to the fall of the Alliance.
Alliance.  The alliance of the Klingons and Cardassians, who joined forces against the Terran Empire in 2293; then, later, the short-lived joining of the Klingons and Romulans in 2385.  The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance invaded and overran the Terran Empire, and jointly administrated the conquered territories for decades afterwards.  Although the Alliance assumed the role of "liberators" from Terran oppression, freeing many worlds such as Bajor, they proved to be no better, enslaving many of the conquered races, including Terrans and Vulcans.  The Terran rebellion, followed by the growth of the new Empire, increasingly weakened the Alliance.  By late 2385, Cardassians had become ineffectual as Alliance members; Romulans joined, taking their place, in a desperate last-ditch effort to stop an Empire invasion of Klingon space, the last major stronghold of Alliance power.  The invasion succeeded in toppling the Alliance, which ceased to exist as a political entity afterwards.  Although it was never officially established when the Alliance formed, it is here assumed for continuity purposes that the Klingons and Cardassians joined forces in 2293, as a sort of "counterpart" to the events in the "main" Trek universe in that year.
Andoria.  Also known as Andor.  A moon orbiting a gas giant in the Andor system; homeworld of the Andorians.  Member of the Imperial Union of Planets.  Between the time of the fall of the Terran Empire and the Terran rebellion of the 2370s, Andoria was a member of the Alliance.
Andorians.  The Andorians were subjugated by the Terran Empire prior to 2155.  Some Andorians took part in the rebellion crushed by Jonathan Archer in January 2155; at the same time others served aboard Starfleet ships such as the ISS Avenger.
April, EliStephen April's father.  Though a slave like all Terrans under the Alliance at the time, he had an affair with the wife of Gul Edet, who discovered the relationship and had him executed.  He fathered Stephen April via Laraine Boone.
April, NeriaSee Neria.
April, Robert.  First captain of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701), and, via procreation with Sarah Poole, a direct ancestor of Stephen April.  He was succeeded by Christopher Pike.
April, Stephen.  Imperial Executor (Overlord) and commander of the ISS Arcadia; former gladiator, bounty hunter and warlord.  See Stephen April's bio.
Arcadia, I.S.S.  Quantum-class warship, virtually identical to the UFS Arcadia.  Agents of Shado, acting under direction of Stephen April, stole the design for Quantum-class ships from the parallel universe of the Federation.  The ISS Arcadia, like its Federation counterpart, was the first type of this vessel to be built, sometime between 2378 and 2385.  April used Arcadia as his personal command ship in his role as an imperial executor.
Archer, Jonathan.  First officer of the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  In January 2155, he learned of the existence of the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764), being held by the Tholians in the Vintaak system, and led a daring capture of the starship.  Archer used the Defiant's advanced technology to crush an uprising against the Terran Empire, then planned to use it in a bid to make himself emperor, but was poisoned by Hoshi Sato before he could take the throne.
Avenger, I.S.S.  NX-class warship of the Terran Empire, commanded by Admiral Black; imperial registry NX-09.  The Avenger fought an uprising against the Empire in January 2155 but was destroyed with all hands.
B'Eryn.  Klingon officer.  In 2385 she sought to meet with Stephen April, claiming to represent a growing number of Klingons who wished to negotiate with the Empire due to the Empire's expansion at the expense of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.
B'Etor.  One of the infamous "Duras sisters", along with Lursa.  The Duras sisters wielded great influence in the Klingon House of Duras, in turn influencing Alliance politics.  They were known to execute guards with little provocation; as a result some did not want to work for them.
Badlands.  Region of space near the Cardassia and Bajor sectors, renowned for violent plasma storms which interfere with ship navigation and sensors.  The unstable nature of the Badlands made the site a popular hiding place for Terran rebels evading Alliance forces.
Bajor.  Central planet in the Bajor Sector; homeworld of the Bajorans and site of space-station Terok Nor.  The Terran Empire occupied Bajor for decades until the Empire fell to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, after which Bajor joined the Alliance as a sovereign member.  The Terran rebellion captured Terok Nor in 2373, influencing Bajor to relinquish its ties to the Alliance and eventually join the Imperial Union of Planets.
Balk.  Security guard aboard the ISS Arcadia.  He hated Ligeti, a fellow guard; they were often assigned to duty together and got into fights.  He lost an eye thanks to Stephen April, in one of April's fits of rage.
Bareil Antos.  Bajoran thief and opportunist who worked for Kira Nerys in 2374.  Acting on Kira's instructions, Bareil crossed over to the Federation's universe in order to steal an "Orb", though he ultimately betrayed Kira and returned empty-handed.  His final fate remains unknown.
Bashir, Julian.  Member of the Terran rebellion and former slave.  Bashir was a hot-headed, irritable individual prone to violence, who intensely despised both Intendant Kira Nerys and Benjamin Sisko.  He became lovers with Jadzia until her death in 2375.  Despite his faults, Bashir was a fair pilot and tactician, playing an important role in the resistance, which ultimately led to freedom for former slaves of the Alliance and the founding of the Imperial Union of Planets.
battlebird.  Warship type used by Klingons and Romulans; a "half-way" design of intermediate size between birds of prey and warbirds, similar to raptors.
Bellerophon, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; part of the armada which invaded Klingon space in 2385.
Bersallis III.  Planet.  Deadly fire-storms ravage the planet constantly, the result of atmospheric particle interactions with the Bersallis sun.  Surface temperatures exceed 300 degrees Centigrade, with winds in excess of 200 kilometers per hour, under these conditions.  Rebel agents working against the Empire once maintained a secret outpost on Bersallis III, using specially modulated shields in conjunction with the fire-storms to mask their presence.
Betazed.  Homeworld of the Betazoids.  Once part of the Terran Empire, Betazed became an independent, sovereign planet when the Empire fell to the Alliance.  Betazed later joined the Imperial Union of Planets yet attempted to secede in 2385 and join the Alliance, for which the planet was heavily bombarded, forcing it to retract its secession.
Betazoids.  Inhabitants of the planet Betazed.  Betazoids were indifferent to the suffering of slaves under the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.  Despite Betazed's membership in the Imperial Union of Planets, factions of rogue Betazoids acting without official government approval abetted Alliance operations to undermine the new Empire.  In 2385, a Betazoid rebel fleet took part in a failed attempt to capture the ISS Arcadia.
Biggs.  Engineer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01)Tucker ordered him to give T'Pol a radiation monitor while working on the Enterprise's warp engines, in order to avoid delta-radiation poisoning.
Black, Admiral.  Starfleet official and commanding officer of the ISS Avenger.  Black was killed when he lost the Avenger to an uprising of non-Terran forces against the Empire in January 2155.  This is the "official" record.  In actuality, Jonathan Archer murdered Black for refusing to name him commander of the ISS Defiant.
Boone, Laraine.  Mother of Stephen April.  She came from one of the "privileged" Terran families in the Alliance, but somehow ended up being sentenced to a Cardassian slave-labor camp.  As a slave, she was repeatedly raped, tortured and humiliated by Cardassians and other slaves, until her own son killed her to end her suffering.
Brisk, Tabatha.  Former Chief Medical Officer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  Like most Terrans, she was born into slavery, but was adopted as a child into one of the "privileged" Terran families who enjoyed higher social status over other Terrans in the Alliance, allowing her to learn medical knowledge and become a doctor.  Wooed by Stephen April, she joined the rebellion against the Alliance and played a formative role in the new Empire's organization, with regards to medical programs for the new Starfleet.  Among April's "women", Brisk was his "primary" partner aboard the Arcadia, a position she strived to maintain, allowing her to be privy to more of April's secrets than the rest.  Although loyal to April, she grew dissatisfied with life aboard the Arcadia and eventually transferred off the ship.  With Alexis Crimson she helped to develop the neuralizer.
Bruce.  Orion medical assistant aboard the ISS Arcadia, who also served as a personal bodyguard to Tabatha Brisk.  Over seven feet tall and massively muscled, he often dealt with Sickbay's more troublesome patients.  It remains unclear what became of him after Brisk's departure from the Arcadia in late 2385.  It is unknown if Bruce was his actual name.
Brunt.  Ferengi mercenary who worked with Ezri Tigan.  Like most Ferengi, Brunt was caring and compassionate to most, and secretly in love with Ezri (although she did not reciprocate).  Brunt tried to barter with Kira Nerys for the lives of prisoners she had captured; she killed him.
Cabinet.  Governing council of the Imperial Union of Planets.  The Cabinet consists of various top-level officials responsible for the day-to-day administrative responsibilities of the Empire, usually elected by vote within the Cabinet itself.  Despite their office, members of the Cabinet wield little real power, as Starfleet essentially controls the Empire.  The Cabinet is not centrally located on any one planet nor convenes as a whole.  Cabinet members administrate their respective boundary zones in cooperation with Starfleet, conferring via subspace if and when necessary.
Cardassia.  Third planet in the Cardassia system; homeworld of the Cardassian people.  Former slaves of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance obliterated Cardassia sometime after 2375, as retribution for what the Alliance did to Earth.
Cardassians.  One half of the 'ruling elite' of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.  Cardassians functioned primarily as Alliance administrators, while Klingons served as the military backbone.  After the destruction of Cardassia, Cardassians survived on various off-world colonies and bases.  Many of their former slaves took to keeping Cardassian indentured servants as symbols of their victory.  Due to the territorial rift formed by the new Empire between the Cardassian and Klingon hemispheres, Cardassians were forced to start relying more on their own ships and military resources.
Chekov, Pavel.  Starfleet officer during the reign of the Terran Empire.  Chekov served as a security officer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701), where he tried (at least once, unsuccessfully) to kill James Kirk, earning himself a trip to the agony booth.  He later served aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)The latter part is conjecture, based on the video game Star Trek: Shattered Universe.
cloaking device.  Technological means of masking spacecraft and other structures from detection.  The simplest cloaking devices bend light to render a ship invisible; more advanced versions hide the vessel completely from sensors.  Theoretically, a cloaking device of sufficient power could hide an entire planet or star system.  The advancement of cloaking technology has usually been commensurate with means of detection, overcoming the protection afforded by such technology.  Klingon ships had cloaking devices in 2370, yet by 2375 were forced to pillage cloaking technology from the Klingons of the Federation universe.  Quantum-class ships such as the ISS Arcadia use highly advanced "anticloaking sensors" which permit detection of almost any cloaked vessel.  Zek stated in "The Emperor's New Cloak" that cloaking devices did not exist in the mirror universe; he may have been (intentionally) misinformed, since cloaked ships appeared in earlier "mirror" episodes such as "Crossover".
Cochrane, Emperor.  Old ruler of the Terran Empire.  He curtailed corruption and provided unity by focusing Starfleet on common, external threats.  It is unclear if this was Zefram Cochrane.
Cochrane, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; took part in the 2385 invasion of Klingon space.
Cochrane, ZeframA hero of the early Terran EmpireOn April 5, 2063, Cochrane and residents of Bozeman, Montana made contact with Vulcans.  Viewing them as alien invaders, Cochrane shot the first Vulcan to step foot onto Terran soil.  "In A Mirror, Darkly" showed Cochrane making contact with Vulcans.  Whether this was mirror-Earth's first contact with an alien species, or whether Cochrane was the first Terran to achieve warp drive in the mirror universe, is a matter of speculation.
Condor, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; took part in the 2385 invasion of Klingon space.
Conquistador, I.S.S.  Imperial warship.  Served as a key vessel in the armada led by the ISS Arcadia which invaded Klingon space in late 2385.
Constitution-class starship.  Powerful type of heavy cruiser used by the Empire from the 22nd through the 23rd centuries.  Ships of this class included the Defiant (NCC-1764), the Enterprise (NCC-1701) and the Enterprise-A (NCC-1701-A).  Despite the class designation, the Defiant was the actual prototype.  These ships were redesigned in the late 23rd century, incorporating new and better tactical systems and offensive armaments.  It is unknown if the Empire ever came up with their own "ISS Constitution", to hide the fact that the Defiant came from another universe.
Corregidor, I.S.S.  Imperial warship, commanded in 2385 by Captain PaulsonTabatha Brisk left the ISS Arcadia to become Chief Medical Officer of this vessel.
Crimson, Alexis.  Chief Interrogator aboard the ISS Arcadia under Stephen AprilClick here to learn more.
Croi Tae'rshan.  First officer assigned to the ISS Arcadia after the death of Jordan RampartClick here to learn more.
Crowley, Xander.  Warden of a penal colony on Illiac; former member of the Terran resistance.  Crowley requested data from Stephen April obtained in one of April's raids in exchange for information that Starfleet Command was plotting against April.
D'Ghor.  Klingon officer serving aboard Regent Worf's ship in 2375.
Dax, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; took part in the occupation of Klingon space in 2385.  Ferried Tabatha Brisk away from the Arcadia in late 2385.  It is unknown exactly why this vessel was named "Dax".  It could not have been a reference to Jadzia, as she was (apparently) not joined with the Dax symbiont, assuming the Dax symbiont even existed in the mirror universe.  It may be a reference to the following entry.
Dax.  Slave crewman aboard an Imperial ship in the late 23rd century; played a role in the defeat of Klingon terrorist Gorkon.
Defiant, I.S.S. (NCC-1764).  The Terran Empire's first Constitution-class starship.  In January 2155, the Tholians captured and held the Defiant inside an asteroid base in the Vintaak system until personnel from the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) retrieved it.  Jonathan Archer used the ship's advanced technology to crush a Vulcan-led rebellion.  Hoshi Sato in turn used the Defiant in a daring bid to make herself Empress.  In actuality this was the USS Defiant from the Original Series episode "The Tholian Web", but the Empire would have quickly removed the different markings to prevent anyone from learning of the existence of a peaceful Federation.  Whether they retained the 'NCC-1764' registry is debatable.
Defiant, I.S.S.  Warship prototype built by rebel forces at Terok Nor in 2373.  Small, fast, highly maneuverable and packing potent firepower, the Defiant proved to be a key instrument in the war for freedom from the Alliance.  It is generally unknown that the designs for this ship were taken from the Federation's universe.
delta radiation.  Harmful energy emitted from manifolds of early-version warp drive engines.  Prolonged direct exposure to delta rays caused scarred mutilation of living tissue and shortened lifespans.  Enterprise chief engineer Tucker, who suffered such a condition, claimed that his grandchildren would "glow in the dark" as a result.  It was said that every day of exposure subtracted a year from a person's expected lifespan.  Presumably they meant Terran years.
Denobulans.  Alien race conquered by the Terran Empire before 2155.  Phlox was Denobulan.
Earth.  Homeworld of the Terran race; former capital of the Terran Empire.  An Alliance assault fleet heavily bombarded Earth in the invasion which toppled the Terrans' empire, reducing the planet to a barren wasteland inhospitable to most humanoid life.
Edet, Gul.  Cardassian officer and commandant of the slave-labor camp where Stephen April grew up.  Edet had a daughter, Luna, who lived with him at the camp site.  Edet commonly raped his slaves, including April and his mother, and executed April's father for having an affair with Edet's wife.  When April later escaped and gained influence by becoming the Hev'betoQ (see April's bio), he returned to the labor camp and killed Edet, taking Luna as "compensation", making her his own personal slave.
ElitaStephen April's Cardassian half-sister.  Click here to learn more.
Enterprise, I.S.S. (NCC-1701)Constitution-class ship of the Terran Empire, best known for command by James Kirk.  Among many successful missions for the Empire, the Enterprise put down the Gorlan uprising and extracted dilithium from the Halkans.
Enterprise, I.S.S. (NCC-1701-A).  Terran Empire ship in the late 23rd century; Constitution-class (uprated).  The existence of this vessel is conjecture, based on the video game Star Trek: Shattered Universe.  It is included here (along with references to Chekov and Sulu) to add more detail to the state of the mirror universe following the events of the episode "Mirror, Mirror".
Enterprise, I.S.S. (NX-01).  22nd century NX-class warship; flagship of the Terran Empire at the time.  The first interstellar vessel to carry the name Enterprise, the ship's crew saw more battle than any other in the fleet, until its destruction by Tholians in the Vintaak system in January 2155.  This Enterprise played an instrumental role in retrieving the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764) from the Tholians, significantly strengthening the Empire after a rebellion of alien races threatened it from within.
Enterprise, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; at least the fourth such vessel to bear the name.  During the 2385 invasion of the Alliance, this Enterprise engaged Klingon ships near an emission nebula.
Eresh'ta.  Andorian officer on the ISS Arcadia.  He once openly questioned Stephen April's orders, putting him at odds with the Overlord.  Eresh'ta came from a family of influential Andorians; despite their "member" status in the Empire, he secretly felt the Alliance offered a better future for his people and aided Kitti Moon's conspiracy to betray the Arcadia into Alliance hands.  The plan failed and Eresh'ta's treachery was discovered; however, he survived, becoming the first successful test subject for the "neuralizer", which ensured his future loyalty.
Eugenics Wars.  A conflict which consumed Earth in the late 20th-early 21st century.  During this time, genetically augmented Terrans known as "supermen" seized power over several of Earth's nation-states and warred with each other, exacting a monumental death toll, until "normal" Terrans overthrew them.  Khan Noonien Singh was among the renowned dictators from this period.
Excelsior, I.S.S.  Warship commanded by Hikaru Sulu in the late 23rd century.  Existence is conjecture, based on Shattered Universe.  Included here to add more detail following "Mirror, Mirror".
Farrell.  One of Kirk's bodyguards aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701).  Saved Kirk from an assassination attempt by Pavel Chekov.
Ferengi.  Aliens from the planet Ferenginar.  The Ferengi are a generally helpful, compassionate race, individuals of which have gone out of their way to aid others in distress at great personal risk.  Unfortunately for them, they are reviled and persecuted, and often end up dying for their deeds.  In the 23rd century, the Terran Empire attacked Ferenginar, driving off many Ferengi, reducing them to a meager existence in which they have been forced to eke out a living wherever possible.  Ferenginar is currently part of the Empire.
Forrest, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; played a role in the invasion of Klingon space in 2385.  Named for Maximilian Forrest.
Forrest, Maximilian.  Captain of the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  Forrest obtained command over Jonathan Archer via internal scheming at Starfleet Command, and commanded the ship through many successful missions.  Hoshi Sato became his lover, leaving Archer for Forrest in order to advance her career.  Forrest was killed battling the Tholians at Vintaak in 2155.
Garak, Elim.  Cardassian "Gul"-rank official and former first officer of Terok Nor.  Garak hated Kira Nerys with a passion and sought various (unsuccessful) means of overthrowing her and stealing her power.  When Terran rebels captured Terok Nor in 2373, he escaped but was captured by Worf, the Klingon Regent.  Worf humiliated Garak for his disgrace by placing him in a dog-collar and keeping him leashed on a chain.  Garak convinced Worf that Kira had betrayed the Alliance, but she later turned the tables by plotting with Worf to obtain a cloaking device from the Klingons of the Federation's universe.  Garak was killed in 2375 by Ezri Tigan, who had turned on the Alliance.
Gardner, Fleet Admiral.  Starfleet official responsible for Earth's defenses in January 2155.  He warned Jonathan Archer to stay away from Earth when Archer issued a demand for Starfleet's unconditional surrender, as part of a plan to make himself emperor.  Later Hoshi Sato issued the same demand to Gardner, in her bid to become empress.
Gorkon.  Klingon terrorist of the late 23rd century.
Gorlan Station.  Empire base in the 22nd century.  The ISS Enterprise (NX-01) stopped at Gorlan Station in January 2155.  This may have been the site of an uprising in the 23rd century.  See following entry.
Gorlan uprising.  23rd century rebellion against the Terran EmpireJames Kirk's first act as captain of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was to suppress this uprising by destroying the rebels' homeworld.  It was never really clear whether "Gorlan" was the name of a race, their planet or perhaps an individual.
Gorn.  Reptilian race similar in aspects to Earth's ancient velociraptors.  The Tholians were known to employ Gorn as slavemasters, assigning them to strip vessels they had captured.  Slar was one such individual.
Grenni, Commodore.  Commanding officer of the ISS Ajax and leader of the Starfleet Assault Group, which bombarded Betazed in response to that planet's attempted secession in 2385.  Grenni came from one of the "privileged" Terran families who cooperated with the Alliance before the rise of the rebellion in the 2370s; he used knowledge of internal Alliance operations to buy his way into the ranks of the new Starfleet.  He later played a part in the invasion which toppled the Alliance, and guarded the Klingon-Romulan border against Klingons seeking refuge in Romulan space.  Grenni did not get along well with Stephen April, but informed him of the whereabouts of the Klingon Regent of 2385, who attempted to flee to Ty'gokor.
Halkans.  Peaceful society with a history of non-violence, who refused to grant the Empire rights to mine dilithium from their planet in 2267.  It was never revealed exactly what became of the Halkans in the mirror universe, but it's not too hard to imagine.
Hendrick.  Terran marauder; one of Sisko's privateers, present at several key events during the Terran rebellion in the 2370s.  Kira Nerys sentenced his wife to death in Terok Nor's ore mines, for which he was quite resentful.  This was the "Terran marauder" (as credited) played by stunt coordinator Dennis Madalone; name is from another role he played, a transporter operator on the Enterprise-D.
I.S.S. or ISS.  Abbreviation prefix on Starfleet vessels.  In most cases, as of 2385, it stands for "Imperial Systems Ship", except on the Arcadia, where "ISS" means "Imperial Slipstream Ship".  It is uncertain what it meant before the fall of the Terran Empire, although "Imperial Star Ship" has been suggested.
IlonaKhalindarian woman who worked for the Alliance as a spy and mercenary.  She seduced Stephen April and later bore a daughter by him.  April killed Ilona in a fit of rage when he learned she had deceived him.
Imperial Union of Planets.  Official name of the "new Empire" (also known as the second Empire and, less often, the Union), founded between 2375 and 2385.  The structure of the IUP is loosely based on the United Federation of Planets; under this system of government, planetary "members" of the IUP have greater autonomy, rights to self-government and representation on the Cabinet (the IUP governing council) than subjects of the former Terran Empire.  However, any planet which defies "the Imperial Will" risks Starfleet retaliation.  The IUP rose from the multi-species makeup of the so-called Terran rebellion against the Alliance.  The IUP has no capital planet nor centrally located governing assembly.  Hundreds of populated worlds belong to this modern Empire, distributed throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants of the galaxy; however not all are legally recognized sovereign members of the Union.
Intendant.  Title for sector-level administrators in the Alliance.  Intendants such as Kira Nerys were held responsible if something went wrong in their sectors.
JadziaTrill soldier of fortune; former lover of Benjamin Sisko and later Julian Bashir.  Jadzia fought alongside the Terran rebellion against the Alliance until she was killed in action in early 2375.  Jadzia's official pre-Dax surname was never established in aired dialogue.
Kelby.  Engineer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) and, later, for a short time, the ISS Defiant.  He met with a gruesome end at the hands of Slar the Gorn.
Khalindar.  Also known as Khalindar Prime. Homeworld of the Khalindarians, a matriarchal, warrior-ruled society dominated by females.  Khalindar was a sovereign member of the Alliance before the expansion of the "new Empire" forced such ties to be severed.  Nevertheless, the Alliance continued to employ Khalindarian mercenaries and spies as they had done before then.  Ilona and Neria were two such agents. 
Khitomer.  Planet formerly located in Klingon space.  Khitomer was the site of a Klingon data-storage complex containing key strategic information on Alliance defenses, which the ISS Arcadia raided in late 2385, allowing the Empire to finally overrun the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.  Stephen April destroyed the planet afterwards.
Kira Nerys.  Former Intendant of the Bajor Sector and commander of Terok Nor.  A ruthless, cunning woman, Kira used her position for great personal gain, from sexual domination to territorial influence.  She kept multitudes of Terran and Vulcan slaves and was known for wanton executions of those who displeased her.  Elim Garak, her Cardassian first officer, was always plotting (unsuccessfully) to overthrow her and take her position.  The Terran rebellion ousted Kira from Terok Nor in 2373, after which she undertook various efforts to win back her power, manipulating such figures as Bareil, Worf, and Ezri.
Kirk, James T.  One-time commanding officer of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701); gained captaincy by assassinating Christopher Pike.  Kirk took several actions during his command, such as suppressing the Gorlan uprising and executing 5000 colonists on Vega IX.   Despite William Shatner's novels, mirror-Kirk's fate is officially unrevealed.  Most likely he was killed, perhaps by Spock.
Klingon Blood Games.  Arena-style Klingon combat sports, reminiscent of Earth's ancient Roman gladiatorial matches.  The Blood Games have been a popular attraction for decades, drawing visitors from many worlds.  "Talent scouts" often recruited fighters from among the slave races of the Alliance, leading to Stephen April's induction into the sport.  As a Terran slave, he became something of a legend in the games.
Klingon-Cardassian AllianceSee Alliance.
Klingons.  Warrior race who jointly formed the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance against the Terran Empire.  The Klingons had the greater role in the day-to-day operations of the Alliance, supplying ships and personnel.  Klingon regents such as Worf oversaw the various territories of the Alliance.  The primary difference in the Klingons of the mirror universe, compared to the Klingons of the Federation's universe, is that they have no code of honor.  Worf behaved much like a pirate and surrendered to Terran rebels who bested him in battle, without resistance.
Kortok.  Klingon criminal sentenced to the Cardassian labor-camp where Stephen April grew up.  Kortok was once a combatant in the Blood Games.  He taught April most of his fighting skills as part of a plan to escape the labor camp with April's help, but April turned him in.  Kortok was executed.
Kronos.  The Klingon homeworld.  The Klingons destroyed Kronos in late 2385, exploding the planet in order to prevent the Empire from occupying it, although many Klingons evacuated prior to that.
Kyle.  Transporter operator aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701).  Spock punished Kyle with his agonizer for mishandling transporter equipment during the Halkan affair in 2267.
Lexington, I.S.S.  Starship assigned to the Empire's occupation of Klingon space in late 2385, commanded by Captain Potanno.
Ligeti.  Security guard aboard the ISS Arcadia.  A violent, aggressive individual, Ligeti carried on a feud with Balk; they often started fights, with each other or fellow crew-members.  Stephen April slit his throat in a fit of murderous rage.
Luna.  Daughter of Cardassian Gul Edet.  After Stephen April escaped slavery, he returned, killed Edet and took Luna as his personal prize, placing her in chains as a symbol of his victory.  When she verbally defied April, he had her vocal chords cut out.
Luna.  Earth's moon.  An Earth spaceship attacked the moon sometime between 2063 and 2150. [Seen in the opening credits of the Star Trek: Enterprise mirror universe two-parter, "In A Mirror, Darkly".]
Lursa.  One of the two "Duras sisters", along with B'Etor.  The Duras sisters wielded great influence in the Klingon House of Duras, in turn influencing Alliance politics.  They were known to execute their guards with little provocation; as a result some did not want to work for them.
MACOs.  Military Assault Command Operation officers assigned to ships of the Terran Empire in the 22nd century.  Malcolm Reed and Travis Mayweather belonged to the MACOs on the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  The assault teams currently assigned to Imperial warships are patterned after the MACOs.
Mayweather, Travis.  Security guard aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01); a member of the MACOsHoshi Sato seduced Mayweather into conspiring with her against Jonathan Archer and supporting her takeover of the Terran Empire in 2155.
McCoy, Leonard.  Chief medical officer of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701).  In 2267 he was part of a landing party sent to the Halkan planet.
Miratu.  Female Orion officer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  An opportunist, she used her feminine wiles on Stephen April to attain the chief Operations position, shortly before her death in a battle with Klingons.
Moon, KittiSunni Moon's twin sister.  Unlike Sunni, who joined the Terran rebellion, Kitti sided with the Alliance, becoming their agent until her death in 2385.  The Alliance conditioned Kitti to believe she was her sister, in order for her to infiltrate the ISS Arcadia and kill Stephen April, which very nearly succeeded.  Tabatha Brisk killed her with April's Tantalus device.
Moon, Sunni.  Mercenary working for Stephen AprilClick here to learn more.
Moreau, Marlena.  Scientist aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in 2267.  Kirk's woman, she helped him to eliminate his enemies using the Tantalus device.
Muniz, Alyssa.  Minor officer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  She was one of April's women until she betrayed him by having an affair with Jordan Rampart, for which April executed them both.
Nausicaans.  Alien race.  Jordan Rampart owned a Nausicaan dagger, considered to be one of the most finely crafted such instruments.  April killed Rampart with his own dagger; later Alyssa Muniz threatened April with the same weapon, but ended up getting killed with it as well.
Neria.  Daughter of Stephen April and Ilona of Khalindar.  Born 2363.  As revenge for her mother's death, she rebelled against her father and went underground, working to destabilize the Empire.  Later this included taking employment by the Alliance as a spy and helping to arrange the Betazoids' failed attempt to lure the ISS Arcadia into a trap.  Click here to learn more.
neuralizer.  Mind-altering device developed by Tabatha Brisk and Alexis Crimson, based on the work of Simon Van Gelder.  Short for "neural neutralizer", this device uses "brain-wave manipulation" to alter brain chemistry, rendering subjects extremely susceptible to "suggestion", thus enabling a high level of mind control.  Essentially, it "reprograms" a person.  April used it to gain greater control over his crew and prevent assassination attempts.  It works on most humanoids.
Nog.  Ferengi opportunist; son of Rom.  Nog took over running his uncle Quark's bar on Terok Nor after Quark died in 2371.  Nog considered himself indebted to Kira, who had ordered Quark's death, and therefore assisted her escape in 2372 from the rebels who had captured Terok Nor.  Kira killed him to prevent him from informing others of her escape.
O'Brien, Miles.  Nicknamed "Smiley".  Former "theta"-class slave on Terok Nor.  After Benjamin Sisko's death in 2371, he became the leader of the Terran rebellion against the Alliance.  As of 2375, he was still in charge.  Unlike most mirror universe people, he was considered "nice"... which may not have allowed him to remain in charge for long.
Obsidian Order.  Former intelligence and covert operations agency of Cardassia.  The Order commonly employed spies, some surgically altered, and mercenaries in the Alliance's dealings with other cultures, such as Ilona of Khalindar.  The Obsidian Order posed a significant threat to the Terran rebellion against the Alliance in the 2370s, until the Overlords destroyed and eliminated them.
Oppenheimer.  American terrorist who threatened the old Earth Empire with nuclear weapons in the 20th century.
Orions.  Green-skinned humanoid race originating from the constellation Orion.  The Terran Empire conquered the Orions by 2155 and employed members of this species on ships such as the ISS Avenger.  Several served aboard the ISS Arcadia in 2385.  Orion females secrete a pheromone which renders males of any race extremely susceptible to their influence; Starfleet service mandates suppressants which nullify the effect of these pheromones.
Overlords.  A mysterious, invisible faction ostensibly dedicated to preserving the Empire.  Stephen April recruited them for this task, which they perform quite efficiently.  No one knows who or what exactly the Overlords are (although theories abound), but they operate with great effectiveness; they destroyed the Obsidian Order and seem to know what is happening in the Empire at all times.  Some believe they are the true rulers of the Empire, controlling it from behind the scenes.  Some also believe they have an agenda, and that they are simply manipulating the Empire for their own ends.
Paulson, Captain.  Commanding officer of the ISS Corregidor.  Offered Tabatha Brisk the Chief Medical Officer's position in late 2385.
Phlox.  Ship's Doctor aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  Phlox, a Denobulan, played a key role in an attempt by the non-human crew of the ISS Avenger to destroy the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764), but was overpowered by chief engineer Tucker before he could accomplish his task.  Phlox was fond of Shakespeare.
Pike, Christopher.  Former captain of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701).  He took command of the vessel by assassinating Robert April.  Later Pike was similarly overthrown by James Kirk.
Poole, Sarah.  Ancestor of Stephen AprilSee Robert April.
Potanno, Captain.  Commanding officer of the ISS Lexington in late 2385.  Potanno was a tough, hardheaded woman of African-American ancestry, who led insurgents at Aldebaran during the Terran rebellion.
Qo'noS.  Klingon spelling for the name of the Klingon homeworld.
Quantum-class.  Class designation for Imperial warships featuring Quantum Slipstream Drive.
Quark.  Ferengi bartender on Terok Nor.  Quark secretly aided slaves and malcontents against the Alliance, providing them with food and information, often helping them to escape, until he was discovered and executed in 2371.
Rameses.  Ancient ruler of Egypt on Earth, known for brutal siege tactics.
Rampart, Jordan.  Former first officer of the ISS Arcadia under Stephen April.  Rampart had an affair with one of April's women, Alyssa Muniz, and was discovered to be in collusion with the Romulans, who had recently abrogated their alliance with the Empire.  April tortured him for three days then executed him.  The mirror counterpart of Jordan Rampart.
Reed, Malcolm.  Leader of the MACOs assigned to the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) in 2155.  Reed had a problem following orders and tended to clash with Jonathan Archer, who resisted choosing Reed to become his first officer due to Reed's ambitions.  Reed was severely injured in an encounter with the Gorn, SlarAlthough it was not revealed whether Reed ultimately survived, Phlox indicated some of the crew would celebrate his death.
Remus.  Sister planet of Romulus.  One half of the planet always faces the Romulan sun; the other half is shrouded in perpetual night.  Romulans dwelling on the night side evolved physical differences and came to be known as "Remans".  They serve as soldiers and laborers in Romulan society, and supply their own ships.  Remans are sensitive to light; thus the interiors of Reman facilities are often dark.
Richtor, Marx.  Officer onboard the ISS Arcadia; took First Officer's position, supplanting Croi Tae'rshanClick here to learn more.
Ringo.  Fighter pilot assigned to the ISS Arcadia.  In a battle with a rogue Betazoid fleet he committed an error which damaged his fighter, earning him a trip to the agony booth.
Rom.  Ferengi mercenary; brother of Quark.  To avenge Quark's death, Rom joined the rebellion against the alliance led by Benjamin Sisko.  In 2372, he helped to free Jennifer Sisko from Alliance servitude, although he paid for it with his life.
Romulans.  Inhabitants of the planet Romulus.  The Romulans once fought the Terran Empire, making the atmosphere of their planet highly toxic.  Decades before 2385, another war threatened Romulus and its sister planet, Remus; millions died and the Romulan government collapsed.  Science and technology saved them, allowing scientists to emerge as the ruling elite, giving rise to the "Romulan Technocracy".  Romulans traditionally took a position of neutrality with regards to the affairs of other nations, though they clashed occasionally with the Alliance.  This changed when they aided the Terran rebellion against the Alliance, and continued to provide support up through the rise of the new Empire.  In 2385 they abrogated this arrangement and joined the Alliance for a short time, until the Empire invaded Klingon space, causing the Alliance to crumble.  Afterwards the Romulans sued for peace and resumed their old neutrality.
Romulus.  The homeworld of the Romulan people.  A Terran Empire offensive in the 23rd century left a ring of hazardous debris around the planet, rendering the atmosphere toxic; as a result Romulans now live primarily underground or under domed cities and must wear protective gear when going outside of these environments.  They have become renowned for expertise in various areas of science and technology.  These Romulans are more like the Vulcans of "our" universe--logical and in control of their emotions.
Sato, Hoshi.  Officer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01); originally a teacher in Brazil.  Sato "played the field" on the Enterprise, sleeping with other officers from Archer to Forrest when she thought it would advance her career.  In January 2155, after Archer captured the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764) from the Tholians, she poisoned him and assumed command, issuing a demand for Earth's unconditional surrender, and declared herself empress of the Terran EmpireWhile Hoshi declared herself empress, it is yet to be officially revealed whether she actually took office.  With no new Star Trek on the air, we may never know.
Sato, I.S.S.  Imperial warship.  Delivered crew transfers to the ISS Arcadia in 2385, then joined the armada which invaded Klingon space.  Presumably named after (Empress) Hoshi Sato.
Scott, Montgomery.  Chief Engineer of the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in 2267.  Took part in an expedition under Kirk to the Halkan planet.
Shado.  A former "Section 31"-type organization created by Stephen April to infiltrate, investigate and study the parallel universe of the United Federation of Planets.  Shado obtained the Starfleet-counterpart's design schematics for Quantum-class ships, leading to the construction of the ISS ArcadiaSee also Stephen April's bio.
Singfors, Fals.  Former chief engineer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  Singfors sought the first officer's position after the death of Jordan Rampart; when he didn't get it, he joined in a conspiracy with Kitti Moon to "replace" Stephen April as commander of the Arcadia.  Though the attempted coup failed, Singfors survived, albeit not for long: April instructed Singfors' underlings in engineering to replace him in similar fashion.  Singfors was succeeded as chief engineer by engineer Wildberry.
Singh, KhanGenetically enhanced Terran dictator, originating from the Sikhs of India, who controlled the largest portion of Earth during the Eugenics Wars.
Sisko, Benjamin.  Terran privateer and first leader (2370-71) of the Terran resistance.  Killed in action and succeeded by "Smiley" O'Brien.  According to O'Brien, all Sisko knew how to do was fight.
Sisko, I.S.S.  Imperial warship; destroyed during the 2385 invasion of Klingon space.
Sisko, Jennifer.  Maiden name unknown.  Terran scientist; wife of Benjamin Sisko.  Born from one of the "privileged" Terran families to escape slavery under the Alliance, Jennifer came to despise her husband and driven by her hatred, worked for the Alliance on creating a transpectral sensor array which would detect Terran rebel hideouts in the Badlands.  She later switched sides however, and joined her fellow Terrans as a rebel before completing the array.  Intendant Kira Nerys killed her in 2373.
SlarGorn slavemaster employed by the Tholians to supervise humanoid laborers (see Vintaaks) aboard the captured ISS Defiant (NCC-1764).  Slar killed several personnel from the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) who captured the Defiant in January 2155, and attempted to sabotage the ship, but was in turn killed by Jonathan Archer.
Soval.  Vulcan officer onboard the ISS Avenger.  In January 2155 Soval took command of the Avenger as part of a rebellion against the Empire, but was destroyed along with the ship.
Spock.  Former first officer of the ISS Enterprise and later commander-in-chief of the Terran Empire.  Spock took over the Empire and instituted an extensive disarmament program, designed to reform the Empire into a peaceful, non-threatening power.  Spock's reforms--later known as "Spock's folly"--made the Empire weak and defenseless, allowing the Alliance to invade.  Because of his actions, the name of Spock is reviled throughout the modern Empire, as are Vulcans in general.  Mirror-Spock's ultimate fate has yet to be officially revealed; however this sim generally assumes that he died with the fall of the Terran Empire.  Possibly Terrans killed him for crimes against the state.
Sselraan.  Female Gorn guard employed by Elita.  She had a run-in with April, who threw her down a flight of stairs.
Suliban.  Alien race.  The Suliban had cloaking technology; in January 2155 Archer ordered Tucker to install a Suliban cloaking device aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) in order to hide the ship's passage through Tholian space.
Sulu, Hikaru.  Officer on the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in 2267 and later captain of the ISS ExcelsiorThe latter part is conjecture, based on the video game Star Trek: Shattered Universe.
T'Plana-hath.  Vulcan survey ship which landed in Bozeman, Montana, on April 5, 2063, making first contact with Terrans.  The residents of Bozeman stormed the ship and killed the crew, obtaining their more advanced technology, which led to the formation of the Terran Empire.
T'Pol.  Officer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  In January 2155, she led an armed takeover of the ship in order to restore command to Captain Forrest after Jonathan Archer seized control.  She later incited a mutiny of non-human Starfleet personnel against Archer.  T'Pol often used her Vulcan abilities and physical attractiveness to get her way, such as manipulating Tucker through sexual overtures and mind-melds.
Tae'rshan, Croi.  See Croi Tae'rshan.
Tantalus device.  Also known as the "Tantalus field".  Device aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) which Kirk used to rise to power.  The Tantalus device could pinpoint, monitor and disintegrate enemies from a distance at the touch of a button.  Kirk stole the device from an alien scientist on Tantalus V (hence its name) and kept it in his quarters, using it to kill Christopher PikeStephen April later used a 24th-century version of the device, capable of greater range.
Tantalus V.  Fifth planet in the Tantalus system; site of a penal colony since the 23rd century.  In 2266 Tristan Adams was the colony warden.  Stephen April once raided Tantalus V, obtaining records of several experimental devices developed there, including the Tantalus device and the "neural neutralizer".
telepathic shielding.  Form of defense used on Starfleet and Alliance ships.  Telepathic shielding prevents telepaths and members of telepathic species from being able to sense the minds of those aboard the vessel.  Smaller, portable forms of telepathic shields are often carried by covert agents wishing to avoid telepathic detection.  Though its ultimate limit of effectiveness is unknown, Betazoids cannot pierce such barriers.
Tellarites.  Alien race conquered by the Terran Empire before 2155.  Tellarites are porcine in appearance, some with five-fingered hands, others with three-fingered hands.  Tellarite conscripts commonly served aboard Empire ships, from the first Enterprise to the Arcadia.  The Tellarites constitute a sovereign member of the Imperial Union of Planets.
Telok.  Klingon officer stationed aboard Terok Nor in 2371.  He found the assignment preferable after four years of guard duty for the House of Duras, due to the unpredictable natures of Lursa and B'EtorPossibly the counterpart of Nu'Daq in the Federation's universe.
TerevTellarite member of the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) crew.  In January 2155, he was submitted to a test of the first experimental agony booth as punishment for being late for a duty shift.
Terok Nor.  Cardassian-designed ore-processing station in orbit of Bajor; command post of the Bajoran Sector.  The birthplace of the Terran rebellion.  The station was built by slave laborers under the Alliance, and contained a large complement of Terran slaves who worked in the station's ore-processing center.  Kira Nerys commanded Terok Nor in 2371 as the sector Intendant, but lost the station to Terran rebels in 2372, after which it became a base for rebel operations.  The Alliance tried unsuccessfully to recapture the station in 2373 and again in 2375.
Terra.  The Latin name for Earth.
Terran Empire.  Often referred to as simply "the Empire".  After the rise of the Imperial Union of Planets, known also as "the first Empire".  The barbaric interstellar nation created by Terrans who conquered several planets from the 21st-23rd centuries.  Although the exact date of its origin is unknown, Jonathan Archer claimed the Empire existed for centuries prior to 2155.  The Empire maintained harsh, dictatorial rule and intimidation through its powerful Starfleet, until Spock of Vulcan took over and instituted peace-minded reforms which weakened it and left it ultimately defenseless against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.  The Alliance overran the Empire and enslaved many of its peoples, including Terrans and Vulcans.
Terrans.  Formal term for humans, from the Latin name for their homeworld, Earth.  A barbaric, warlike race, Terrans created and ruled the Terran Empire until its fall to the Klingon-Cardassian AllianceAfter the fall Terrans were enslaved for decades under Alliance rule, until they rebelled at Terok Nor in 2370, sparking the Terran revolution which led to the founding of the Imperial Union of Planets.
Tholians.  Territorial race who captured the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764), circa January 2155.  Tholians are multilimbed beings covered by crystalline exoskeletons, with both male and female biological traits in a single individual, who require environmental temperatures on the order of 500° kelvin to survive.  They often tried to annex systems outside of their core territory.  To learn more about the Tholians, click here.
Tigan, Ezri.  Trill mercenary who worked for the Alliance until joining the Terran rebellion in 2375.  A lesbian, Ezri was Kira's lover until Kira killed her Ferengi comrade, Brunt, after which Ezri betrayed the Alliance.
transpectral sensor array.  Sensor equipment designed by Jennifer Sisko, capable of detecting rebel activity in the Badlands.  Originally intended for the Alliance, Sisko prevented the Alliance from utilizing her work when she joined the rebellion.
Trills.  Humanoid race, closely resembling Terrans but for "spots" lining their bodies from head to toe.  Some worked as mercenaries, including Jadzia and Ezri TiganThere is no evidence that Trills in the mirror universe are "joined" with symbionts as in the Federation universe.  It may be that symbionts don't exist in the mirror universe, may not have been discovered, or may have been wiped out.
Tucker, Charles.  Chief Engineer of the ISS Enterprise (NX-01).  Tucker was physically mutilated from prolonged exposure to delta radiation from the ship's engines.  He enjoyed "helping" T'Pol during her pon farr, although it didn't prevent her from manipulating him into betraying Archer, earning Tucker a four-hour spell in the agony booth.
Tuvok.  Vulcan member of the Terran rebellion in 2371.  He was present at a rebel hideout in the Badlands when the rebels made plans to capture Jennifer Sisko.
Ty'gokor.  Klingon fortress, built out of several joined asteroids.  The Regent of the Alliance in the year 2385 attempted to hide here, following the destruction of Kronos.
Uhura.  Officer aboard the ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701).  She took part in an away mission to the Halkan planet in 2267.  Sulu made several sexual advances towards her.
Vallien.  Former tactical officer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  Vallien was a Vulcan, with short, spiky blond hair and a metal patch over one eye, riveted to his skull.  He conspired with others against Stephen April but was discovered and committed suicide.
Van Gelder, Simon.  Imperial scientist.  Working with Tristan Adams, the warden of the Tantalus V Penal Colony in 2266, Van Gelder created a device known as a "neural neutralizer", used for mind control of colony inmates.  The device was destroyed as a result of Adams' misuse of it on Starfleet officers.  However, records survived of Van Gelder's work, becoming the basis for the late-24th century neuralizer.
Varon-T.  Disruptor-style firearm; also spelled "Veron-T".  A vicious weapon, its energy beam disintegrates a victim slowly and painfully, from the inside out.  Stephen April favors the weapon.
Vega IX.  Location of a colony where James Kirk executed over 5,000 colonists in his second action as captain of the ISS Enterprise.
Vintaak.  Solar system containing at least one gas giant orbited by various asteroid-moons.  In January 2155 the system laid in Tholian space, where the asteroids housed Tholian bases and drydocks.  Jonathan Archer led a raid into the Vintaak system to capture the ISS Defiant (NCC-1764)Pronounced VIN-tak.
Vintaaks.  Blue-skinned humanoid aliens, who have served as slave laborers for centuries under various races and powers, including the Tholians, the Gorn, the Empire and the Alliance.  Around January 2155, Tholians placed these aliens under supervision of the Gorn Slar and assigned them to strip the ISS Defiant in the Vintaak system.  While intuitive and intelligent, they are fearful and submissive; their bodies are sensitive to physical pain, making them easy to control.  Vintaaks are commonly found on ships of the modern Empire, including the ISS ArcadiaThe name of this race was never officially established; hence their designation as "Vintaaks", after the system in Tholian space where they were first seen.  Pronounced VIN-tax.
Vulcan.  Homeworld of the Vulcan people.  Vulcan contact with Earth in 2063 led to the creation of the Terran Empire.  Terrans believed the early Vulcans to be invaders; Zefram Cochrane viewed the landing of a Vulcan ship as a prelude to invasion.  Vulcan's political loyalty to the Terran Empire wrought its destruction when the Alliance invaded in 2293; like Earth, it is now mostly uninhabitable.
Vulcans.  Former inhabitants of the planet Vulcan, known for deep, aggressive emotions.  Some use "mind melds" to manipulate others.  In the 23rd century Vulcans were feared as one of the most ruthless races in the Terran Empire; however, cases of Vulcan treachery, from the actions of T'Pol aboard the ISS Enterprise in 2155 to reforms enacted by Spock, which led to the first Empire's downfall, achieved a negative stigma.  Due to this, Vulcans are generally distrusted and treated as "second class" citizens in the modern Empire; none are allowed to rule and few reach officer's rank in Starfleet.  During the Alliance occupation, they were enslaved alongside Terrans, and some later fought in the Terran resistance.  Though part of the Empire, they have withdrawn increasingly from interstellar affairs.  Unlike Vulcans of the Federation universe, mirror-Vulcans aren't as good at suppressing their feelings.
Washington.  American military leader.  Washington gained notoriety for his brutal tactics.
Wildberry.  Engineer aboard the ISS Arcadia.  Wildberry replaced Fals Singfors as chief engineer, until he had an unfortunate encounter with a warp plasma stream.
Worf.  Klingon; former regent of the Alliance.  He tried but failed to crush the Terran rebellion in 2373, then was captured by rebel forces at Terok Nor in 2375.
Xi.  Security guard aboard the ISS Arcadia.
"Canon" mirror characters who are dead in the 24th-century mirror universe:
Canon mirror characters who are probably dead because of their or others' actions:
Canon mirror characters who, when last seen (2375 = ten years ago in our continuity), were alive and well:
    O'Brien, Bashir, Leeta, Ezri Tigan [AKA "Ezri Dax"], Tuvok
Canon mirror characters mentioned as existing in the mirror universe:
    B'Etor, Lursa
Star Trek recurring characters whom we have NOT seen in the 24th-century mirror universe:
    The entire TNG cast, minus Worf
    The entire Voyager cast, minus Tuvok
    DS9: Damar, Dukat, Opaka, Weyoun, Winn.  [Jake Sisko did not exist in the mirror universe.]
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