I.S.S. Arcadia: Quantum Slipstream Drive
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"Quantum Slipstream Drive" is a transwarp drive propulsion system reserved exclusively to Quantum-class warships.
slipstream Slipstreams are flowing areas of subspace. QSD enables a ship to enter and navigate these flows at great acceleration. Entrance is achieved via a narrowly concentrated warp field, initiated by manipulating the fabric of the space-time continuum at the quantum level. By focusing a quantum field through the ship's navigational deflector, massive changes are generated in local space curvature, projecting a subspace tunnel in front of the vessel. Once a ship enters this tunnel, subspace forces propel it at a velocity equivalent to warp factor 9.9999999999999999999999998125. Factor-deduction omits the first 24 nines after the decimal point, indicating an exponential warp factor of 81,250. More than one ship can use the same slipstream; a ship can accompany another which is generating it. To maintain slipstream the quantum field must be constantly modified through the deflector dish; however, the calculations involved are too complicated, and the reaction-time available too short for safe manual control. quantum drive core unit For this reason autonomous computers perform and implement the necessary course corrections. One method of exiting slipstream is to reduce field strength by 50%. This can be done by reversing drive polarity. Slipstream-drive ships are able to cross the galaxy in a matter of months, whereas the same distance requires years or centuries of travel-time at standard warp.
Quantum-class ships are tactically and technologically superior over other Starfleet vessels. Quantum Slipstream Drive is the major feature, requiring reconfigured hull geometry and differences in internal layout and structural efficiency. These ships are optimized for ease of design updates and modular component swaps according to specific mission profiles. Combat proficiency has been greatly enhanced, to maintain the Empire's credo of "peace through superior firepower". Examples include "anticloaking" sensors (enabling detection of cloaked ships), phase-shifting "smart" torpedoes (which adapt trajectory and power output to target position and shield frequency), regenerative multi-matrix shielding, self-polarizing plated armor, and high-end tactical maneuvering thrusters. Cumulatively, this makes Quantum-class warships highly invulnerable, to the point that battle is often short-lived. Other notable additions include holodecks for military training and combat drills, large personnel storage areas for troop and prisoner transport, and an array of auxiliary craft (necessitating double-tier flight deck capacity), supporting forays of greater range than most imperial warships. They sustain warp 9.99 maximum cruise speed, making them Starfleet's fastest warp-drive vessels as well. Overall, this makes the Quantum-class warship superbly equipped for long-range incursions, battle and occupation.
The exact stardate of the Quantum-class warship's introduction to service is classified; however it appeared around or after late 2380. The first ship of the line was the I.S.S. Arcadia, the class design prototype. By 2382 six such vessels were in existence. Manufacture of QSD ships has been held under the tightest security in the Empire, supervised by Executor Lord Stephen April.
Quantum-class warships
(six as of 2385)
(* destroyed)
IVQ-A1  I.S.S. Arcadia
         First commissioned Quantum-class warship.  Flagship of the Empire.  Named for a region in the Peloponnesus on Earth.
IVQ-A2  I.S.S. Caledonia
         Second to be launched.  'Caledonia' was the ancient Roman name for Scotland on Earth.
IVQ-A3  I.S.S. Imperial  *
IVQ-A4  I.S.S. Revenge
         Named in the spirit of the rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.
IVQ-A5  I.S.S. Sparta  *
         Named for a region of the Peloponnesus on Earth, site of a warrior city-state.
IVQ-A6  I.S.S. Wasp  *
         Named for an ancient American battleship.
IVQ-A7  I.S.S. Imperia
         Replaced the I.S.S. Imperial.
IVQ-A8  I.S.S. Krieger
         Replaced the Sparta'Krieger' is German for 'warrior'.
IVQ-A9  I.S.S. Indomitable
         Replaced WaspNamed for an ancient British battleship.
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