STAR TREK ·:· MIRROR UNIVERSE ·:· NEW EMPIRE ·|· Supporting Character: Marx Richtor

emblem of the new Empire

Marx “Don't F*** With Me” Richtor
RANK Lieutenant-Commander
POSITION Executive (First) Officer (XO)
RACE Terran (male)
AGE (Terran years) 38 (born 2347)
EDUCATION Informal education growing up; Starfleet Academy
Terran humanoid of large heavy stature.  Extensive scarring (war wounds) on body.
HEIGHT: 213 cm (7’0”).  WEIGHT: 148 kg (326 lbs).  EYES: 1 gray; 1 blue (cyber-ocular).  HAIR: Brown (shaven head).
Born 2347 (age 38).  Parents/ancestry unknown.  Real name unknown; went by various names during childhood.  Raised in slave camps until 2355; drafted into privateer service for the Alliance, 2355-65, returned to slavery 2365-72, joined the Terran rebellion, 2372.  During rebellion, fought with 13th Regiment (5th Battalion) (the "Blackmarks") out of Medalloy; eventually commanded the regiment.  Took the name "Marx" for his regiment, ascribed for kills, counted by scoring weapons (a regiment custom).  Keeps a Cardassian phaser rifle, the first ever fired as an act of rebellion.  Joined the new Starfleet Academy after founding of new Empire.  Mostly unremarkable service record; was frequently denied promotions.
During a coup against the ISS Arcadia's first officer, Croi Tae'rshan, led by an alien named Richtor, he turned on and killed the real Richtor at the last moment, claiming his identity in order to gain access to command code protocols and authorization through the ship's computer, which would only recognize "Richtor" by name.  Thus, he became the ISS Arcadia's first officer.  He added the name Richtor to his own as a sort of surname, symbolizing his victory.
Intelligent and capable, but simple-minded.  Mean-tempered, quick to anger.  Drinks, carouses; brutish, basically a thug.  Likes to fight; good marksman; highly aggressive skilled combatant.  Sustained eye injury during the war; replaced by ocular implant which allows him to see in various visual ranges beyond human norm.  Bigot; prejudiced against non-Terrans.
Any professions of loyalty to Lord April are only lip service.  Richtor intends to betray April someday (which April knows) and seize command of the Arcadia for himself.  It is only a matter of time until then.  April tolerates him because he commands crew loyalty and for his effectiveness in the XO's job, and because he's not too bright, believing he can keep Richtor on a "leash".  Richtor won't challenge April openly, but is always plotting behind his back, waiting for an opportunity to strike.  Yet, Richtor is the type who, more than likely, if he ever achieves command, will lose it to someone else.  In the meantime, his intimidating physical stature and hot, brutish temper, combined with knowledge of the ISS Arcadia's command systems, keeps him "on top" and others (usually) in line.