Star Trek - Mirror Universe: New Empire The "New Empire" posting board at Yahoo Groups. Go there if you want to join!
Star The official Star Trek website.
Star Trek Cartography Part of Star Trek The biggest source of information, data, programs and maps concerning Star Trek galactic geography on the internet. Very useful.
Star Trek Fonts Some parts of this site (and many other Star Trek sites) may use these fonts. Download and don't forget to install. Official site for the Hubble Space Telescope. Inspiring stuff about the universe... just waiting to be conquered.
Simming in Styles Joy Mudd's Guide to Star Trek Simming – a must-read.
Stardate Conversion (Javascript) Need stardates for your post? Enter the year as 2385, all other fields in current time.
The One-Hour Television Drama Scripts from almost every episode and movie. Good place to read mirror episodes if you can't watch them.
Following are some of the best general Star Trek sites on the internet:
Ex Astris Scientia
Memory Alpha - Wiki-based encyclopedia of all things Star Trek.
This site's webmaster worked on many of the mirror universe articles. - The Weapons of Star Trek
Spike's Star Trek Page
Star Trek: New Voyages - The first high quality, fan-produced Star Trek "internet" series, continuing the adventures of the classic crew, portrayed by new actors. You have to see it to believe it!
Star Trek Minutiae
The Great Link