Star Trek: U.F.S. Arcadia: Specs - Decks & Technical Specification Guide
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Type: Long-range Cruiser/Explorer/Diplomatic
Expected duration: 150 years
Time between resupply: 5 years
Time between refits: 10 years (standard)

Officers and Crew 100 (fluctuates depending on mission requirements)
30 civilians (approximately)
Passenger limit 300 (varies depending on mission requirements)
Evacuation limit 1,500
Power plant
One (1) 2000+Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles; two impulse modules; quantum singularity-based compression power stream system linked to main navigational deflector, backed by complementary benamite crystal tray ("the Q-core")
Overall Length 429 meters
Overall Draft 64.5 meters
Overall Beam 196 meters
Cruise speed (warp): Warp factor 7
Emergency Warp Velocities:
    Warp 9.75 (for 20 hours)
    Warp 9.9 (for 12 hours)
    Maximum Warp Velocity 9.99 (for 6 hours)
    Quantum Slipstream maximum velocity 81.25 (equivalent exponential warp factor 81,250)  For an explanation of Quantum Slipstream Drive, click here.
    NOTE: Technically it is impossible to travel at Warp 81,250; while in all honesty no one understands the real relationship between subspace and quantum slipstream, we find it sufficient to call QSD a form of transwarp drive.  The calculations behind the factor velocity-equivalent are sound and correct.  Besides, Arturis did it in "Hope and Fear"; Voyager did it again in "Timeless", and who are we to argue with success....
10 Type-XV phaser emitters
4 Type-X torpedo launchers (variable-supporting) (2 fore, 2 aft) ["variable" as in photon, quantum, smart, transphasic, etc.]
Torpedo Complement: 100
Standard (multi-matrix regenerative/rotating frequency) [This type of shielding incorporates metaphasic advances, allowing the ship to travel within a star's coronasphere, as well as refractive distribution capacity, absorbing and redistributing offensive energies, all on rotating modulations]
Hull-reinforcing ablative armor (self-regenerating, accomplished through specialized free-standing holographic generators located aft of Main Engineering)
Deflector screens (navigational standard) [deflects harmful interstellar material such as meteorites, cosmic radiation, etc.]
Optional cloaking device (hull conforming)
Seven (7) personnel (one aft of main bridge on Deck 3, four in ship's primary section, two in secondary section)
Two (2) cargo
1 Delta-class [based on Delta Flyer design]
1 Synergy-class
Shuttlecraft (standard complement; increased number possible with mission requirements)
    1 › Type-9 Personnel Shuttle
    1 › Type-12 Heavy Shuttle
    1 › Type-15 Heavy/Freight Shuttle
    1 › Type-20 Shuttlepod
    8 › "Sphinx"-class Work Bees
Deck 1
    Sensor Array Supplemental Feeds
Deck 2
    Cargo Transporters 1 & 2
    Cargo Bay 1
    Deflective Structural Reinforcements
Deck 3
    Main Bridge with adjacent transporter room
    Captain's Ready Room
    Officers Lounge [Crew Briefing/Conference Room]
    Additional Deflective Structural Reinforcements
Deck 4
    Captain's Quarters
    Senior Officers' Quarters [ranks Lieutenant & above, except for Engineering]
    Transporter Rooms 1-2
    Cargo Bay 2
    Aft Torpedo Launcher
Deck 5
    Offices - Chief Medical Officer, Counselor
    General Crew Lounge
    Diplomatic Conference Room
    Transporter Rooms 3-4
Deck 6
    Offices - Chief of Security, Chief of Operations (administrative)
    Mess Hall
    Junior Officers Quarters [ranks Lieutenant junior-grade, Ensign]
    Secondary Computer Core
Deck 7  -  Sciences
    Science Deck "S1": Sciences Department Chief's Office, Science Crew Lounge, Sensor Control (Long- and Short-Range), Science Labs: Exobiology, Cultural Anthropology, Planetary Sciences
    Secondary Computer Core
    Crew Quarters [Ensign, NCOs & below]
    Deuterium Storage Cryo-Tanks
    Holodeck 1
    Lateral turbolift access
Deck 8  -  Sciences
    Science Deck "S2": Science Mission Control, Science Labs: Stellar Cartography [directly below secondary computer core], Astrophysics, Quantum Cartography
    Holodeck 2
    Crew Quarters
    Civilian & Passenger Quarters
    Atmospheric Reprocessing
    Deuterium Storage Cryo-Tanks
    Warp Reaction Core
Deck 9
    Deflector Control
    Lower Level Torpedo Bay Control
    Shuttlebay Hangar Storage
    Transporter Rooms 5-6
Deck 10
    Upper Engineering Support Area
    Shuttlebay Main Flight Deck
    QSD Systems Support
    Deflective Structural Reinforcements
    Main Computer Core
    Forward Torpedo Launcher
    Lateral turbolift access
Decks 10-13 Main Deflector Dish
Deck 11
    Main Engineering
    Warp Core
    QSD Control Systems
    Chief Engineer's Cubicle
    Main Computer Core
Deck 12
    Lower Engineering
    Engineering Crew Quarters (all ranks)
    Wembahdnaw quarters ("the aquarium") (isolated; access by stairwell gantry)
    Environmental Control
Deck 13
    Cargo Bay 3
Deck 14
    Crew Facilities
Deck 15
    Swimming Pool
Deck 16
    Secondary Power Couplings
    Deuterium Storage
    Retractable Landing Struts
Deck 17
    Maintenance and Systems Support
    Retractable Landing Struts

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