Neria is the daughter of Stephen April and a
Khalindarian named Ilona. Ilona was a spy for the Alliance, sent to "keep tabs" on April while he worked for them as a bounty hunter. She gained his confidence and traveled with him on his personal ship, eventually becoming romantically involved and giving birth to Neria in 2363. April killed Ilona in a fit of rage when he learned she had deceived him, and turned Neria over to be raised by the Alliance. As a ward of the state, Neria was trained to become an operative like her mother upon reaching adulthood. She also spent part of her life on Khalindar, the homeworld of her mother's people, learning their ways.
Neria accepted employment with the Alliance, conducting spy work and espionage against the Empire, attempting to destabilize it as revenge against her father, who served it. Neria excelled as an Alliance agent, avoiding capture and always somehow slipping through April's grasp. With the fall of the Alliance, however, it may only be a matter of time until he catches up with her.
Note: April's daughter does not exist in any Starfleet
record. He expunged all evidence of her from his file to avoid the
repercussions if anyone knew his own daughter was a rebel against the Empire. (Translated: She shows up now and then as a driving element for him, but it's not publicly known that she is his daughter. He won't allow enemies to use her against him.)