This dark-tempered young woman owns the famed Pleasure Pits on Risa. She also runs the "Black Hand", a covert operations group of agents handpicked and personally trained from among the girls of Risa--informally known as "Risa's Amazons"--who conduct "undercover" missions of intelligence, sabotage or assassination, for whoever's willing to pay their price.
A known dealer of "bed secrets", Elita has amassed a fortune of wealth and power, keeping tabs on larger goings-on in the galaxy. She often wears red (her favorite color) and is not afraid to kill those who cross her, which has earned her the title "the Red Queen". She virtually owns Risa and protects it with impenetrable security systems, permitting her to maintain political neutrality in relations with the Empire.
[Think of her as a cross between Quark and "Gail" of Sin City.]
Most do not know that Elita is
Stephen April's half-sister--the child of his father and the wife of
Gul Edet. She was surgically altered by the
Obsidian Order to infiltrate the Terran resistance before the rise of the second empire, but due to the rebel victory over the Alliance, her "mission" was deemed a failure. After the Obsidian Order collapsed (the work of the
Overlords), she was forced to live as a "Terran". While she detests the Empire (but would never challenge it openly), her feelings for her half-brother are ambiguous--she seems to love him and hate him at the same time (and the feeling is mutual). This has prevented Elita from acting against him or the Empire... so far.