With no new official "Star Trek" being
produced, it's more important than ever that we, the fans of the legendary
Star Trek mythos, keep the flame of this fantastic saga burning. For the past 40 years, Star Trek has
inspired us with a vision of a future greater than our own, fixed on a
moral underpinning of humanity, driven by galaxy-spanning drama which
teaches us something about ourselves. The future of Star Trek
belongs to us, and depends on us to continue and carry it forward.
This site is part of that noble effort.
Light the fire
of your mind, and enter the world of
Star Trek: Arcadia.
The year is 2386. It's the dawn of a new era
for the United Federation of
Planets--a time of peace, prosperity and progress, the "Age of
Optimism." Yesterday's enemies are today's allies. Planetary
membership has doubled. The Federation is expanding, via artificial wormholes, quantum slipstream drive and subspace transporters, to other
quadrants of the galaxy, growing into a galactic community--growth made
possible by vessels such as the United Federation
Starship Arcadia. With state-of-the-art advances in
science, physics and technology, we can go anywhere in the cosmos.
Our mission, going on five years, has been to lead the world of Star Trek simulation-playing as a vehicle for exploring relevant issues
through science fiction, in the form of strange new worlds, new
civilizations and new, interesting story-lines--and to have fun doing
it. If you're tired of dark, war-torn futures, poor writing and
issues resolved with phasers... if you love Star Trek or good,
character-driven, science-fiction drama... join
us. We are an interactive group, dedicated to crafting
intelligent, character-driven stories centered around the crew of the
Starship Arcadia. Talented writers are preferred. If
you're interested, please explore
this site thoroughly to get a "feel" for our atmosphere before submitting your application. We look
forward to welcoming you as we explore the unknown, continuing the saga of
The Next Generation©, Deep Space
Nine© and Voyager©*.
Join the adventure,
and help us to lead Star Trek back to its true purpose: Growth, exploration,
and learning about ourselves... the way it was meant to be.
To learn more, click here or follow the navigation menu.
(Committed participants only. If you sign on, you're volunteering to stay a while and contribute to story-lines.)