Star Trek: U.F.S. Arcadia: Auxiliary/Supplemental Craft
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Auxiliary & Supplemental Support Craft
Shuttlebays 1 & 2 contain various shuttlecraft, shuttlepods and work bees.  Via automated technology (replicators, transporters) more can be quickly assembled and launched as needed. (New shuttles are unnamed; the specific craft's first mission commander and/or crew name the vessel at launch. In other words, mission players pick the name.)

Shuttle Type-9
2-4 crew/passengers. Speed: max. warp 8. Low internal volume; minimal amenities; moderate cargo space; medium-range emergency transporters. Pronounced deflector dish houses compact long-range sensor array. Preferred for scout missions.

Shuttle Type-11
Largest, most advanced shuttle in Starfleet (essentially a runabout). 2-4 crew; max. 15 passengers. Bioneural circuitry; dorsal/ventral magnetic docking couplers; aerodynamic design for atmospheric flight; two-person transporter; long-range warp sustainable. Food replicators and bunkbeds for long trips.
type 11

Shuttle Type-20
Freight shuttle for ferrying cargo/vehicles between orbit and planetary surfaces when conditions preclude transporter use. Large aft door permits easy egress of vehicles, cargo and personnel. Retractable wings for atmospheric flight. Crew 2-4, max. 15 passengers.

All-Terrain Vehicle
Wheeled ground vehicle assigned to type-20 shuttlecraft. Aft-mounted phaser cannon provides limited defense. Onboard computer aids in navigation; communication-uplink permits remote control of parent shuttle. Crew: 1-4.

U.F.S. Synergy
Modified Styx-class runabout. Uses "confluent" resources for transition to quantum energy state, allowing it to "phase" through nonporous matter, for unparalleled tactical advantages. Slipstream-capable without QSD; 100% self-sustaining energy efficiency. Geared for multi-purpose missions involving up to 20 personnel (as warranted, from various departments). Crew: 2-4. Warp components utilize tetryon-bichronium plasma flow.

U.F.S. Arrowhead
Delta Flyer Mark II-class runabout. Speed: Warp 9; max. 9.6 for six hours. 2-4 crew; max. 15 passengers. Ablative armor generators; refractive shielding; two type-IX phasers (fore and aft); ten microtorps (photon or quantum yield). Navigational deflector configurable to emit particle bursts for different effects depending on requirements.

Work Bees
General utility craft. Performs various tasks, from module transport to external construction/repairs. Microparticle maneuvering thrusters. Single or double seat capacity.

Sphinx-class Work Bees
Model M1A-01. Performs same tasks as standard work bees; also functions as a 'tug', capable (in groups) of towing larger vessels.

Escape Pods
Emergency survival craft. Life support duration: approx. one Earth-year. Low-power microfusion impulse engine; min. velocity: 40 m/s; maneuvering: delta-v 3,600 m/sec. Interlocking "gaggle mode" permits personnel/supply transfer. Subspace autobeacon-equipped. Atmospheric entry/landing capable.

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