Shuttlebays 1 & 2
contain various shuttlecraft, shuttlepods and work bees. Via automated
technology (replicators, transporters) more can be quickly assembled and
launched as needed. (New shuttles are unnamed; the specific craft's first
mission commander and/or crew name the vessel at launch. In other words,
mission players pick the name.) |
Shuttle Type-9
2-4 crew/passengers. Speed: max. warp 8. Low internal volume;
minimal amenities; moderate cargo space; medium-range emergency
transporters. Pronounced deflector dish houses compact long-range
sensor array. Preferred for scout missions. |
Shuttle Type-11
Largest, most advanced shuttle in
Starfleet (essentially a runabout). 2-4 crew; max. 15 passengers. Bioneural circuitry; dorsal/ventral
magnetic docking couplers; aerodynamic design for atmospheric flight; two-person transporter;
long-range warp sustainable. Food replicators and bunkbeds for long trips. |
Shuttle Type-20 Freight shuttle for ferrying cargo/vehicles between orbit and planetary surfaces when conditions preclude transporter use. Large aft door permits easy egress of vehicles, cargo and personnel. Retractable wings for atmospheric flight. Crew 2-4, max. 15 passengers. |
All-Terrain Vehicle
Wheeled ground vehicle assigned to
type-20 shuttlecraft. Aft-mounted phaser cannon provides limited defense.
Onboard computer aids in navigation; communication-uplink permits remote
control of parent shuttle. Crew: 1-4. |
U.F.S. Synergy Modified Styx-class runabout. Uses "confluent"
resources for transition to quantum energy state, allowing it to "phase" through
nonporous matter, for unparalleled tactical advantages. Slipstream-capable without
QSD; 100% self-sustaining energy efficiency. Geared for multi-purpose missions
involving up to 20 personnel (as warranted, from various departments). Crew: 2-4.
Warp components utilize tetryon-bichronium plasma flow. |
U.F.S. Arrowhead Delta Flyer Mark II-class runabout. Speed:
Warp 9; max. 9.6 for six hours. 2-4 crew; max. 15 passengers. Ablative armor
generators; refractive shielding; two type-IX phasers (fore and aft); ten microtorps
(photon or quantum yield). Navigational deflector configurable to emit particle bursts
for different effects depending on requirements. |
Work Bees General utility craft. Performs various tasks,
from module transport to external construction/repairs. Microparticle
maneuvering thrusters. Single or double seat capacity. |
Sphinx-class Work Bees Model M1A-01. Performs same tasks as standard work bees; also functions as a 'tug', capable (in groups) of towing larger vessels. |
Escape Pods Emergency survival craft. Life support duration:
approx. one Earth-year. Low-power microfusion impulse engine;
min. velocity: 40 m/s; maneuvering: delta-v 3,600 m/sec. Interlocking
"gaggle mode" permits personnel/supply transfer. Subspace autobeacon-equipped.
Atmospheric entry/landing capable. |