STAR TREK ·:· MIRROR UNIVERSE ·:· NEW EMPIRE ·|· Supporting Character: Brenda

symbol of the new Empire


Born a slave, Brenda was sold to the sex-slave market in her teens, ending up in Risa's Pleasure Pits where she became an exotic dancer and prostitute.  A Klingon once beat and raped her, leaving her viciously scarred, but Elita saved her, using cosmetic surgery to physically restore her in tandem with psychological reconditioning, making Brenda one of her "amazons"--a deadly member of the "Black Hand".  Despite the fact that Brenda and Elita are lovers, Brenda is a double agent, an Empire informant sharing sensitive information with Stephen April without Elita's knowledge... and sometimes the other way around.
The counterpart of Captain Brenda Shoemaker.