Current assignment: Captain/Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Liberty
Grew up on a farm. Ascended through Starfleet in "typical" fashion--merit marks, department head, second officer, first officer, all mostly on the USS Liberty. Though she wasn't seeking captaincy, accepted the promotion when former CO retired in order to stay with the Liberty's crew, her "family". Her only serious relationship before 2385 was with a fellow officer on the Liberty, prior to becoming captain (didn't last).
During the "lost Earth" incident (late 2385) Shoemaker challenged the Federation Council's decision to accept the Cirean displacement. She joined like-minded others investigating the so-called "Cirean Covenant" in order to reclaim Earth from a parallel universe, although it could have led to war. During this time she became romantically involved with Captain Stephen April of the UFS Arcadia. Shoemaker's fierce stubbornness and independence nearly prevented their affiliation from continuing after Earth's restoration, but with effort they chose to pursue the relationship, despite strains of distance and separate careers.