STAR TREK ·:· MIRROR UNIVERSE ·:· NEW EMPIRE ·|· Jacob "Bingo" Harrison

new symbol of the Empire

Jacob “Bingo” Harrison
RANK Lieutenant
POSITION Fighter Wing Commander
RACE Terran (male)
BORN 2358 • Betazed Reclamation Colony (former Terran Northstar Colony)
KNOWN RELATIVES Parents/siblings unknown; raised by an uncle now deceased
MARITAL STATUS Widowed (twice)
HEIGHT / WEIGHT 6’2” ­– 180 lbs
EYES / HAIR blue, blonde
Physical description: Handsome; intense-looking.  Unscarred due to uncle's influence.
Special Interests: Card games and games of chance; strategic history and planning; tactical maneuvers in history; martial arts; bladed weapons.
Distinctions: Commendation of Valor for the Battle of Terok Nor.    Reprimands for misconduct with other people's women.
Education: Mainly old history tapes and programs provided by his uncle, but continuing.
Bingo was raised by his uncle on the old Earth colony of Northstar, which the Alliance had granted to BetazedBetazoids were tough overseers due to their telepathic abilities; many Terrans learned how to shield their minds from the constant probing.  Despite the hard times, Bingo was well-liked by everyone on Northstar, especially the women.  When the Terok Nor uprising took place, Bingo's uncle compelled him to go and make a new start.  Bingo didn't leave until a Klingon assault unit terrorized his town, killing his uncle in the process.  He joined what remained of the local militia and helped repel the initial attack.  When the Klingons returned with a larger force, they were met in orbit by the fighter craft of Northstar, Bingo included.  After a brutal battle in which 90% of all combatants died, the Terrans claimed victory, then sent a delegation to aid in Terok Nor's defense.  Bingo helped to fend off the Alliance armada and received a commendation. He is hoping for more of a chance to leave his mark within the Empire.
Bingo is a "cool customer".  Pressure doesn't bother him.  Be it a high-stakes card game, a husband walking in on an illicit tryst, or in his fighter cockpit in the middle of a firefight, his voice and manner will not betray any emotion.  He seems to have the damnedest good luck in everything.  Rank and position to him are not as important as completion of the mission, and death to enemies of the Empire.  He is loyal to his friends, although most of his friends are dead.
Bingo is not just another hot-shot pilot with an attitude -- because he has no attitude.  Ambition, he does have; the idea of captaining a starship for the Empire, rampaging against its enemies, has a certain appeal to him.