Bodyguard |
Terran (male) |
AGE (Terran years) |
27 (born 3/5/2358) |
Kelvo Five |
Single |
Privately educated by his sensei |
Height: 6' Weight: 180 lbs Eyes/Hair: Brown |
martial arts, bushido |
Born on Kelvo Five and educated to be a bodyguard,
including weapons tactics and unarmed combat. Highly disciplined and
has no thoughts of himself, just who he is protecting. Fast enough to
snatch coins from people's hands before they can close them. Dangerous
and thought to be psychotic.

Born to the sounds of battle, Griff was
orphaned shortly afterwards. A Japanese sensei (martial arts expert)
rescued and raised him, and taught Griff everything he knew. On Griff's
fifteenth birthday his master revealed himself as a samurai-class ninja
master and progressed his training in the art of ninjitsu and
protection styles. Upon completing his training, Griff tried his new skills
on a Klingon and a Nausicaan. To everyone's surprise he beat them, barely
getting a scratch. Griff found the only way to release himself from his master
was to defeat him in battle. He made the challenge and defeated his master,
taking a wound to his chest approximately seven inches long. Although
cosmetic surgery could obliterate this scar, it remains as a proud memento
of his training and rite of passage.

Griff foregoes the usual ninja dress. He is capable
of demolishing opponents and is adept in the use of high explosives and
booby traps. Griff always wears a weapon of some description, normally
a phaser-type weapon, and never fails to carry at least two knives secretly
on his body. He uses weapons from all cultures but prefers ninja weapons,
including the katana.