emblem of the new Empire


POSITION Science Ensign
RACE Vulcan (female)
AGE (Terran years) 120 (born November 11, 2265)
PLACE OF BIRTH T'Khasia, Vulcan
PHYSICAL STATISTICS Height: 6'2"    Weight: 148 lbs    Eyes: blue    Hair: brown (bleached blond)
KNOWN RELATIVES Taldar and Joreen (parents, deceased)
N'Pal's life has been one of constant rape and torture. She was born into one of the lower families of Vulcan; due to their jobs, her parents moved offworld with her to Rigel, where her father worked in a shipyard as a builder and her mother worked in administration. Her parents died in an explosion caused by sabotage when she was eight, and she was forced to live on the streets after the shipyard owners threw her out, not wanting to look after a "disgusting Vulcan brat". N'Pal spent two months on the streets, scrounging for food and shelter wherever she could, even to the point of consuming rats. Eventually, she got in with a rough gang, and accepted regular beatings in exchange for food and shelter. She became streetwise, learning how to steal, beg, and pick pockets.
When she was older, the gang leader had her beaten and dragged to his bed. N'Pal's first experience with sex involved her clothes being ripped off, being held down and forcibly raped, including being choked and having her ears painfully yanked. After that, most of the gang members shared her, using force when needed. Although N'Pal came to enjoy it, she knew that with the rough treatment she was getting, she would either die young or be sold off when the gang grew bored with her. One night, she grabbed what money she could and ran away, boarding the first ship that would get her anywhere else.
Arriving on Alpha Centauri, N'Pal found employment in a bar as an exotic dancer and subsidized it with prostitution. Wanting more from life, she saved money, left and went to the spacedock, signing onto the first small freighter that would take an uneducated Vulcan woman as a crewman. She worked aboard the freighter for some time until Klingon ships attacked. The freighter captain surrendered, and when the Klingons found a Vulcan onboard, they dragged her to the bridge and raped her. N'Pal spent the next thirty years as the Klingon captain's slave, often forced to participate in brutal sex games that left her bleeding in their infirmary. N'Pal lost count of how many pregnancies she had, with all but one leading to a miscarriage. The one child that did survive, the Klingon captain killed with a dagger in front of her after it had been taken from her womb. N'Pal felt she had no hope, but when the Klingons were boarded by a ship from the new Empire, she was rescued.
The crew of the Starfleet ship took her aboard, and she spent time in the captain's bed. But when the ship reached Empire territory, they dumped N'Pal at a starport to fend for herself. She made her way to the recruitment office and signed up to join Starfleet as an enlisted crewmember. After the briefest training in sciences, N'Pal was assigned to the ISS Talna. There, she got on the wrong side of the Talna's female chief interrogator, who delighted seeing N'Pal thrash and scream in an agony booth for hours on end before taking back to her bed, sometimes for the interrogator to watch as N'Pal was raped. At one point, N'Pal was sedated and had an agonizer implanted in her body for the interrogator's ease. It hasn't been taken out yet. N'Pal didn't weep after the interrogator attempted a failed mutiny against the captain and was publicly gutted on the shuttledeck in front of the whole crew as a lesson.
Now that she didn't have the label of "Interrogator's bitch" hanging over her, N'Pal found that the Chief Science Officer had taken a shine to her. She accepted his overtures since this allowed her more freedom and the chance to actually learn more if she slept with him. It wasn't bad, and she enjoyed it. She increased in rank to Petty Officer 1st Class before the captain acceded to the CSO's wishes and allowed her to gain commission as an ensign. Two months later an Alliance squadron attacked the Talna. N'Pal, one of the few survivors, was transferred to the ISS Arcadia.
N'Pal can only be described as a whore. Since she knew that she couldn't stop them and she found that she actively enjoyed it, she let many other male officers abuse and rape her. N'Pal is a very unusual woman. She can be highly emotional at times and at other times, she doesn't react much. She does not like being disturbed when she is doing one of her experiments.
Like all Vulcans, N'Pal has greater strength than a comparable human and a superior circulatory system with green copper-based blood and pointed ears. She can withstand much higher extremes of temperature, humidity and gravity than humans. Her hearing is far above that of humans. Her telepathic powers are limited to touch, but she received training in mind melds and methods of disabling opponents peacefully.
Sometimes N'Pal partakes of alcoholic beverages, but as with most Vulcans, she is unaffected. There are other stimulants that she takes which do affect her, and she has been found many times naked and unconscious in the company of men. With pon farr every seven years, her sexual urge becomes much stronger, and she must mate or die. Her back has scars from when the Klingon captain delighted in whipping her until she fell unconscious. She has various bodily enhancements, none done by choice. Her chest size was enhanced and she has been pierced.
N'Pal spends a lot of her off-duty time either socializing, exercising, meditating or studying. However, she only sleeps, eats and drinks as needed by her biology. She enjoys being alone in the science labs, since experiments don't jump up and belt her or try to rip her clothes off before abusing her. She can read and speak a number of languages: Standard, Modern Standard & Golic Vulcan, Klingon, Cardassian, Bajoran and Andorian.
N'Pal has been reprimanded numerous times, but for no real reason of consequence--mostly because someone wanted to hear her scream in pain.