symbol of the new Empire

portrait of Nina

Lieutenant, Chief Science Officer
Marital Status: Single
Height / Weight:  6’, 110 lbs
Eyes: Forest green  -  Hair: Fire engine red
Species/physical description: Tall, willowy Terran female without scars or marks.
    Nina was found in a dumpster by a kind, childless Ferengi chemist who chose to raise the lost infant.  Like a tiny sponge, Nina followed her adoptive parent, absorbing everything she could about chemistry, science, botany, and uses thereof.  Her Ferengi father sheltered her, but made sure the girl knew she had to be of worth to stay alive in an unfriendly galaxy.  One such use was unorthodox weaponry.  Nina could turn the most unlikely of objects into the most offensive of deterrents.
    One of Jog’s assistants once made a rough pass at the young human girl who was blossoming into a classic beauty.  She was sheltered, apparently shy, and an easy mark walking alone in the hallway.  Jog couldn’t afford bodyguards.  The man saw no protection around the tempting little morsel.  The man’s hands began to wander where they should not.  What they did not know was that the girl was not alone in her uniform.
    The unfortunate Ferengi seeking to take liberties suddenly felt as if his skin were on fire.  The gnats turned his skin several shades of interesting colors as the Ferengi writhed on the floor, alternately clutching ears and privates.
    The captain and Jog came running down the hall, the former screaming “What in the name of Profit is going on here?”
    The short lives of the gnats were at an end and the suffering of the libertine was at an end, other than that of his pride.  “Your hu-maaan did something to me!”
    “Well?”  The captain’s eyes pierced the tender human bud, who simply looked back.
    “Dokam interfered with my pursuit of profit, Captain,” Nina replied quietly.
    “Take him away!” the captain snarled in disgust at the fallen Ferengi.  “The booth, two minute duration.”  He turned and walked off.
    Jog stared at Nina as he flung the Ferengi over his shoulder, his mouth agape.
    Later that evening, in their quarters, Jog asked his daughter about the incident.  “Is that what happened?  He prevented you from getting to the lab?”
    “An interpretation, Father.”  Nina nodded.  “His groping me in the hall would be another.  However, the captain views loss of profit of higher weight than sexual assault.  I chose the interpretation the captain would view as an impact on his own self-interest, to avoid a visit to the agony booth or other reprimand for myself for assaulting another officer.”
    Jog filed this away in his mind.  Nina was developing a well-honed skill at learning the self-interests of others and playing to it.  It would help her to survive.
    Jog trained young Nina at his side, in what would have been known as home schooling.  Sense Nina had no background, no questions were asked until the ship was damaged.  When Jog’s rival Dokam began to ask questions about the old man’s star profit-earning human child, he fell ill with an infection.
    After the ship was damaged--how, Nina never knew--and her dear father killed, Nina had few options despite her skills.  She did, however, have a well-honed sense of self-preservation.  Like a ferret, she sought out the safest, most logical place to reside, but found that other people were seeking her out.
Personality/Psychological Profile: Shy, but can be vicious if cornered.  Nina tries to avoid conflict.  However, if a conflict visits itself on her, she can get creative in taking care of it.
Special Notes: The portrait of Nina was done by her Ferengi father before his death.