new symbol of the Empire

RANK Lieutenant
POSITION Chief Helm Officer
RACE Orion (female) - 1/8 human
BORN Orion Starship Keril
05-22-2357 (Terran calendar)
KNOWN RELATIVES parents (deceased), siblings
STATISTICS Height: 1.72 meters (5’8”)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Eyes: dark brown    Hair: red
DISTINCTIONS Decorated for saving the ISS Arcadia
Humanoid of basically human-like features with green skin.  Extremely attractive already, female Orions emit pheromones which make them even more attractive to the opposite sex of most species.  Generally males under the influence of these pheromones are susceptible to manipulation.  When Lynnyn became a slave, she had her pheromones disabled.
Most female Orions are beautiful compared to humans, but Lynnyn is exceptionally beautiful for an Orion.  She is well-endowed with a wide bust, narrow waste, and wide hips.  She has modified her uniform slightly so it is even more skimpy and revealing than a standard female uniform.
On-the-job training on her parents' starship.  She is an excellent starship navigator and possesses good tactical skills.  She lacks hand-to-hand combat skills, but is an excellent shot and can quick-draw as well.
    Lynnyn's family had been involved in space travel since Orions took to the stars.  Lynnyn's parents owned a small merchant vessel, the Keril, as much a pirate ship as anything else, aboard which all of their children grew up.  Lynnyn was born onboard her parents' ship and grew up there like her other siblings.
    The crew had to be careful about whom they went after.  This became especially true as the new Empire grew stronger.  As a result, even though having no formal education, Lynnyn amassed skills in most shipboard areas and had a special gift for navigation and tactical.  When older, she became the ship's combined tactical officer and navigator. The ship was so small that it only had one station for both positions.
    When the Empire got tired of pirates muscling in on their territory, the Imperial warship Arcadia ambushed the Keril.  In just about every way, the Orion ship was overwhelmed and outmatched; the fight was a forgone conclusion and the Orion ship was captured after being quickly disabled.  Lynnyn was knocked unconscious when her station exploded and a large transformer crashed onto her head.  Most of the crew was killed, but the Arcadia's navigator wanted this extremely alluring beauty for his own, and took her as his personal slave.  Instead of allowing herself to be a slave, Lynnyn became the navigator's lover, gaining more control over her fate.  Her pheromones were disabled but she still had her body, and she used it as the one weapon she possessed.  Manipulating the navigator, she joined him as his assistant at the ship's helm.  The helm officer later sought command of the ship for himself, and eventually found himself with a dagger in his gut, as Lynnyn watched.
    Lynnyn convinced the Overlord, Stephen April, that she had nothing to do with her owner's plot against him and escaped punishment.  The assistant took over the helm but was found to be incompetent, and died in agony.  After convincing April to give her a chance, she received the rank of Lieutenant for her services and became Arcadia's chief flight controller, also functioning as a tactical operator when needed.  Recently she became the Overlord's "woman".
    Lynnyn sees the universe as a "dog eat dog" world.  Like most Orion females, she is a master manipulator.  She understands that there is a fine line, crossing which would put her in peril.  Having her pheromones disabled, she learned to use her body as a weapon.  It helps that she simply enjoys sex and has several lovers among the officers.
    She is quite ambitious but a realist.  On a Terran-dominated starship, she will never get command, so her goal is keeping what she has, including her position.  She can be brutal with those under her but is not capricious, only using force when she sees it as needed.  If it comes to fighting, she prefers to use a weapon instead of fighting hand to hand.
Hides a small derringer-like weapon under her skirt.  She also keeps a small amount of counter-agent for the treatment which suppresses her pheromones.