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RANK Lieutenant (junior grade)
POSITION Chief Medical Officer
RACE Andorian/Aenar (female)
BORN 2357 • Aeon 6 Colony
KNOWN RELATIVES unidentified parents
HEIGHT / WEIGHT 5’7” ­– 127 lbs
EYES / HAIR black, white
Appearance generally echoes that of the Andorians; sports the antennae and white hair.  Skin is a light shade of blue, lighter than an Andorian's.  Unlike her mother's species, Jhanila's sight is fully functional.  Her hair has never been cut, giving her the opportunity to sit on the ends if she chooses.  Left antenna sports some scarring from an incident a few years ago.
The only meaning Jhanila held to the Alliance rulers of the Aeon 6 Colony was simply scientific proof, that Andorians and Aenar could breed a hybrid child.  She grew up in one of the laboratories, seen as nothing more than a lab experiment.  At approximately the age of 13, she escaped the laboratory and hid in the colony slums.  The colony was mostly in ruins after an attack thirty years earlier; only the laboratories were completely rebuilt.  Jhanila used her telepathic ability to hide from people searching for her, usually by implanting false thoughts and memories in their minds.  A year later she managed to leave the planet on a merchant ship which dealt in medical supplies and various drugs. Life on the ship wasn't much different from the planet she had left.  The ship's captain delighted in forcing drugs into her system and mentally abusing her.  Her mind was permanently broken and the young girl became a wreck.  Annoyed that his “toy” was now broken, the captain took his attention elsewhere, but the merchant ship's staff did not get rid of Jhanila.  Over the next three years she recovered as much as possible then left.  She began a nomadic life hitching rides here and there in return for “favors”.  Four years later she came aboard the ISS Arcadia and worked her way up the ranks, relatively quietly, for the past seven years.
Jhanila was mentally broken a few years ago by an unknown person, causing her to refer to herself in the third person and occasionally talk to herself.  She is fully capable of being ruthless to those she heals.  She dislikes scientists deeply for obvious reasons.
Inherited limited telepathic ability from her Aenar mother.  She rarely uses it to do more than distinguish between lies and truth.