new emblem of the Empire

Alexei Obrenovic

POSITION Chief of Security
RANK Lieutenant
RACE Terran (male)
BORN Polaris III • 04-29-2350
PHYSICAL STATISTICS Height: 190cm    Weight: 80kg    Eyes: green    Hair: raven black
Born in the streets of Polaris III, Alexei was abandoned at a young age and left to fend for himself.  His youth was one of scavenging and great pain, and worsened as he fell into the grip of the local crime syndicates.  Throughout much of his early life, he learned to survive in the harshness of the streets, yet this left him with a cruel disposition and cold, distant personality.
As his teenage years encroached upon Alexei, a gang war erupted amongst the shadows. The boy was an early casualty in the incident, having been attacked by several rival gang-members. He was later found by a Cardassian officer over the corpse of a man, with a knife in his hand.
From here he spent several years in the harsh labor camps, prone to rape by various slavers and other slaves, at times being thrown into a series of fights with his fellow slaves. The fights served as an outlet for his frustrations; his victims, both slave and the occasional slaver that had the misfortune of his blade, found their deaths in gruesome ways.  Alexei's life of slavery continued until the new Empire came to fruition.  Through the assistance of a Klingon prisoner Alexei managed to stow away in a small Hideki-class shuttle, immediately killing the pilot and the Klingon who had helped him.
From there he moved on to join the Rebellion, where the former criminal-turned-rebel made a strong impression with his peers in sorties out of the Badlands, earning a reputation for being ruthless and sadistic in his methods of information-gathering and slaughter, as well as various operations under his command.
As time continued during the Rebellion, Obrenovic was often assigned to the more suicidal units because of his caustic attitude and psychopathic personality, quickly rising to lead one of the frontline infiltration units.  This led him to be granted a position of great stature aboard Terok Nor, serving as the proverbial eyes and ears of the Rebellion.  His efforts aided in the completion of the ISS Defiant and the battle of Terok Nor, his methods having not changed much from his days as a frontline warrior.  Showing a ruthless efficiency, his methods steadily caused doubt amongst his peers, yet his results allowed him to be tolerated throughout the campaign.
His service continued upon Terok Nor until he was assigned to the ISS Arcadia.
A cold and distant, yet wild and vicious person.  Alexei fits his nickname of a "Lone White Wolf" with his caustic, if not mercurial personality and dry, sadistic humor.
In addition to his sadistic and ruthless attitude, he is an admirer of the works of Sun Tzu and idolizes one Sima Yi.  His life also has given him an affinity for the works of Aristotle and Plato.  He is a methodical tactician and strategist in almost all arenas of his life, from combat to his torture methods, and, some would argue, to his personal life.
Something of an introvert, the various crews he has worked with have considered his method of thinking an enigma.  Often he can be found partaking in games of strategy, such as chess and the Vulcan game of kal'toh. When speaking, he is soft-spoken despite his hard Slavic accent.
Bears a scar on his right cheek and down his neck, as well as an ancient symbol tattooed into his upper back, an old Serbian shield with two eagles and a bloody blade.
Special Interests: Military history, specifically ancient China and Japan
Distinctions: Several decorations for actions against the Alliance
Reprimands: Various reprimands for insubordination
Education: Mostly self-educated